Building Permits & Inspections

The Town of Mansfield contracts with Blades Code Services for construction permits and inspections. They are responsible for permitting all construction and conducting inspections of all construction-related permits as well as issuance of Certificates of Occupancy, Fire Prevention, and Special Events. All residential and commercial buildings within the Town of Manfield are subject to 2018 Washington State building requirements.

The Building Permits and Inspections Department is responsible for:

  • Conducting building construction inspections
  • Issuing building permits
  • Issuing certificate of occupancy permits
  • Reviewing building plans
  • Working directly with the Planning and Zoning Commission

To obtain a permit for both residential and commercial uses, simply download the form below or give us a call and we will be happy to provide you with the necessary forms. For additional information, please visit the Washington State Building Code Council website at State Building Code | SBCC (